Friday, May 21, 2010


The last few days I have been painting!!! So fun! I finally finished my spring banner that I started a couple months ago, but I was too sick from being pregnant to finish it. But it's finished now.... :-D Also, I painted my summer banner! Each banner took a little more than a day to complete. I need to go to Hobby to get some rods, dowels, and ribbons so I can hang the summer one up, and so I can take some pics to show you! I'm rolling some ideas around for my July 4th banner. I have a couple good ideas, but the one may be too complicated for me to do b/c next week I am swamped with appointments. I only have one free day. We'll see what happens. I also know what banner I will do in between summer and Thanksgiving. Then I need to do a Christmas one. So about three more banners ,and my house will be done.

I would love to work on the paintings for the baby's room soon. That should be fun! I want to sketch the pics out, but I might wait to paint them until I know for sure what the baby will be. That way I can change the colors if I want. :-)

I need to write my story for school!!! I should take my laptop with me to the docs next week. Plus, I want to send in an essay about my adopted dog to AllYou magazine. I can not decide what pic of her I want to send in.... Wouldn't it be something if our story won?!?! The money would def help. I'm nervous b/c I want it to be well-written, and I want them to see how sweet my three-legged dog is. She is priceless. I'm glad she has a home now....

I have cowboy stew in the crockpot. It smells incredible! I want some!!! lol I added smoked sausage with the stew beef this time. I hope Ben still likes it. From the smell, I guess he would. lol

My heparin shots are going well. The first time I had to stick myself (in the stomach, no less!) I was so nervous. But after that I was ok. It's not that bad. Sometimes it's hard to get in the needle in, but other than that, it's pretty easy.

That's about all the news for now.

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