Friday, May 14, 2010


Man, it's been a LONG time. I finally got my j-tube replaced today!!! The baby did great! I was sooo relieved. They gave me anesthesia but no narcotics or muscle relaxers so my nausea is controllable!!! That's what always makes me so super sick. Not the anesthesia. Plus, the anesthesia was anti-nausea. I'm so thankful to not have to tape down my tube anymore!!! My skin is ridiculously irritated. Now I can finally start my Heperin shots in my stomach since the surgery is over. I couldn't start it b/c I never knew when it was going to be. Two times it didn't pan out so I was constantly waiting. I knew when they did call it could be within 2 days and I have to be off blood thinners for at least five days before surgery. Anyway, I'm so thankful it's over and done with and that the baby did so well b/c he's 14 weeks now. God really did know the best timing for us both. He def took care of both of us.

My nausea is better now that I'm out of the first trimester. Yay! lol I'm so excited b/c on June 17th (Ben's birthday) we find out what we are having!!! I've been dying to buy clothes. ;-) Also, my best friend is going to come visit me in June! She will be here when we find out the gender of the baby. :-D I'm so thrilled. My sister is about 9 weeks pregnant right now so our kids will be close in age. Only thing is I live faaaarrrr away. lol

I've been listening to a lot of hymns and sermons lately. They have given me even more peace and hope. I struggle sometime with how hard it will be for me to care for our baby, but you know what? GOD got me pregnant and He already knew my health problems. He will give me the strength to get through each day. I've always wanted to be a Mom. I hope and pray I do a good job. The thought of having my own little one is awesome and inspiring. I love our baby so much, and I pray I can hold on for him and give him as much nutrition as he needs to thrive and go. :-) I feel so so blessed. I remember all the other women who can't have kids, and I pray for them. That they will have the strength to keep on hoping and maybe even adopt some day. I still want to adopt. I have always wanted to. :-)

I still haven't done my last school assignment. I'm going to try my hardest to get it done this week. I must! At least, I have my story outline. I just have the fun part - fleshing it out! ;-) I still get tired easily so it's been difficult, but I know God will help me accomplish this like He always does. He never lets us down. EVER.

Hope y'all are having a great day!

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