Saturday, June 19, 2010

So Called Designated Handicap Spots

This is a rant. lol Ben and I went to see Toy Story 3 last night which I LoVeD, by the way. Anyway, we did get there a little early, but of course the handicap seats were taken. One of them was legitimate, but the other two were so not. Well, the 2 on the floor told their manager. She looked unsure what to do!!! The other woman was like do you want me to do it? And she said no. She finally went up to one of them but they were sitting up  one step. In case you don't know, I CAN'T WALK PEOPLE! Ugh. Anyway, she came back and said that they said that they couldn't move b/c they wouldn't be able to find enough seats to sit together. I was like well, excuse me but you sat in the wrong spot and 3 of your friends were already NOT sitting by you, but in the handicap seats!!!

So the manager was like I don't want to tell them to move b/c they were here first! WHAT?! The seats plainly have handicap stickers on them. Looks to me like they were in the wrong. I personally think no one but handicappers should sit there. The thing that was so annoying was that at other theatres they will always say, if you need us to kick ppl out of the handicap seats let us know. Not so here. But then this woman moved with her son so we did get a spot. She was very kind to move for us. Those other ppl were just RUDE.

So here's the thing. I know ppl think those seats are the "best", but what normal ppl don't realize is that we don't want to have designated seating!!! We want to sit wherever we want. I would love to go hunt for seats like everybody else. I would love to sit up higher, but that isn't an option. I don't want designated parking either! But we have to use it b/c we need the extra space to get me out of the car. I hate how I can get onto the sidewalk at one spot. Did you know that it takes a while to find the ramps sometimes? Or they put it between speedbumps. I'm like are you kidding me???!! Make it harder for me why don't ya. Some stores don't even have ramps! Yes, it's true. Sad but true.

Also, I want to be able to pick any bathroom stall I want, but I can't. If it's dirty, I have to deal with it. No other option. Then there are places where I can't even FIT into the "handicap" stall. I hate it when I get up and have hope that it will work, but then I can't shut the door! Does any of this sound like special treatment to you??? Do you really think it's such a great premium??? But yet, so many ppl use the designated handicap stuff when they don't need it b/c they think it's the best. Get real. I would rather be walking and choosing wherever, whatever I wanted than in a power chair with limited access to anything. Sigh.

I just don't know why ppl can't seem to get it. What is so hard to understand..... We can't help being handicap. It isn't our fault. Why do they make you feel guilty and ashamed over it? It doesn't feel like a luxury to me. It is just another one of those things where you do the best you can with what you have. Don't geto me wrong. I would rather be alive and in this cahir than not. I just hate when ppl don't seem to get it. :-)

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