Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Story and the Fourth

I have to tell you something ironic. I was at the orthodontist and decided to have the HOP pick me up at the library b/c they have the hardest time finding me when I'm at the orthodontist. The library is to the right of the orthodontist but in the same area. Well, I went down the side road for all the buildings so I could get on the sidewalk. The ramp was right at the end of the sidewalk so I got on safely without any cars around. Once on the sidewalk, I realized that there was no ramp to get off it!!! It just ended with a big step. Not a small step. More like 2 steps in one! So I had to get off where I came on and get on a real road - not just one for the office area. I waited for the cars to go by then zoomed on and off before the other car got close. I HATE driving on roads. It feels so unsafe. Scary. But once I got to the library, they had doors that opened with a push of a button so that was cool. I'll probably do that every time so I can get some books and wait in the coolness. :-)

My heart rate has been getting faster so I have to rest more now. I'm 22 weeks!!! And in a few days I will be 5 months pregnant. Can you believe it?!

Ben and I will be moving to Savannah in December instead of July. We had to do paperwork saying b/c of my high risk pregnancy I need to stay with docs that I am already established with. They agreed!!! So so glad. I know it will be harder to travel with a baby, but at least I have the peace of mind knowing that I'll have docs to take care of us before he is born. I'm so excited we are having a little boy.... Can't wait to see what he looks like. The artist in me. ;-)

I painted a banner for my case manager as a thank you gift for all the help she gives me. I'm hoping to give it to her tomorrow. I painted it to match the colors in her house. I got another order for a banner so my sewing machine will be all paid for. I have it, but since I've had to be resting more I haven't used it yet. :-) I have a couple more painting projects to get done. I'm trying to decide if I need to sew the quilt first or paint first. I also need to finish my story. I finally started it. I just haen't had time to finish it yet. Sigh. My health needs to cooperate for me. :-)

Hope you all had a great Fourth!!! We did! I love July Fourth. We watched three kids for a friend and then watched the fireworks from our front porch. It was awesome. Oh, I made a homemade apple pie - even the crusts were homemade!!! - the first time I've ever done that. Ben loved it! I was so glad especially since it killed my hands. lol But it was worth it to make him happy. :-)

That's about it for now.

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