Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Day

I had my OB appointment today. My friend, Charity, took me b/c the HOP (Special Transit Bus) didn't have a Medicare/Medicaid patient going at my time. I can only go to Temple as long a Medicaid patient is onboard. I have no idea why they have that rule. I mean c'mon I pay there and back. Oh, well. So I had to use my manual which I hate b/c 1) it is uncomfortable 2) it won't fit in the small bathrooms in the OB rooms 3) it would be a pain to weigh since I didn't know its weight (Now I do. lol) and 4) I can't move myself in a manual. But we made it. :-)

I got to see the baby again today!!! He is getting so big. And cute!!! In 2-3 weeks I have to have another growth ultrasound to make sure he is still on schedule. I go back to my OB in two weeks. Well, less than two b/c I already had an ortho appointment scheduled that day. I'm not about to change that one! I would get way to behind in my braces schedule. We can't have that! lol Anyway, I'm going to be going to the docs a lot in August. Sigh. Not fun.

So they ran bloodwork!!! They agreed that they need to make sure there is nothing wrong befor ethey say officially it's this or that. But my midwife was actually there this time!!! She is so so nice. Anyway, she told me that in the 2nd trimester is when most women experience a lot of headaches so that could be what it is. I was like why didn't anybody tell me that before??? That's what I kept saying - is this something to expect or could this be something else. Crazy docs. Oh, she also told me I most definitely do not have to sleep on my left side!!!!!! YES! It bothers my j-tube so much I couldn't take it. I am so glad. Now it won't bleed anymore. :-) And hopefully, stop hurting me. Oh, when the midwife came back with my OB, she said he agreed with all the bloodwork you suggested. LOL ;-) He added a couple more, too. I thought that was hysterical, though. I can't believe I'm 24 weeks!!! I so hope I can make it the whole way.

I finally had a good doc appointment when my midwife and OB are there. The OB I like. lol I hope he is the one there for my delivery.... I really really don't want the other guy..... But if Pattie is there maybe it won't be so bad. :-) Oh, she wants me to bring pics to show her my watercolor paintings. Any of my artwork, actually. So that's cool.

I need to work on the baby's pics tomorrow. I've been so exhausted the last few days I coudln't do much of anything. If I get lots of sleep tonight I should be able to. I sent my story out to Highlights yesterday. So excited! hope it sells! I haven't heard back from my school about my last ever assignment with them. As soon as I do, I will fix what they suggest and send it on out. :-) I really want to sell my stories. I write them for kids to read and enjoy. Not sit in a box at home. Anyway, that's all for now. I have to go finish supper real quick. Chicken and pastry - one of Ben's faves. :-)

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