Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fun Surprises

A couple of weeks ago was a "I hate being handicap!" day. Everything just seemed to go wrong. If I could only walk or be stronger then life would be so much easier! It was so annoying!!! Anyway, Ben's brothers flew from NC to stay with us for the weekend. We decided to go bowling b/c it was something cheap to do. I was sad that I wouldn't be able to play. I love playing, but I think the last time I got to play was when I was 8.

Well, William was like hey, you can use a ramp. I was like what?! Well lo and behold, a ramp is what a kid uses to bowl. It's 2 rails hooked together, but the middle of it is empty so you can place the bowl on the top and then push it down. The only thing I have to do is position it, Ben would place the balll on there, and then I would push it down. It took me the first game to figure out how to position it, but then I got several spares and a strike!!! I actually won that game. :-) I know I technically didn't win fair b/c what I did was easier than if I threw the ball myself, but still I DID IT!!!!!!!!! It was awesome!!! :-D I just had to share this in case someone out there happens to come across this post who thought they could never bowl. Well, you can! So go out there and play a game and enjoy the thrill of participating in something that everybody else is. Priceless. :-)

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