Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Shopping!

I've been having fun going to thrift stores and looking at baby things everywhere. lol I can't wait to know the sex of the baby so I can buy clothes!!! I found a toy in great condition at the Fort Hood thrift store. My nephews and niece loved it when they were younger. I saved a ton getting it used. Now I just have to clean it. :-) I want to get a crib, swing, and walker from a thrift store. I'm also going to get a space saver highchair that can hold newborns to toddlers. They had a good one at Target. This is so fun! Especially being able to do this with my mom.

Ben is on night shift at JRTC so he will probably call me at odd hours.... Oh, joy.... As long as it's not early morning.

I'm going to try to get a handicap van so i can have something when the baby is born. There is a woman I can call for help and advice. I'm going to try to call her today. I'm praying and praying I can get one before November! Wouldn't that be awesome?!

My quilting class was awesome. I'm going to work on sewing my pieces together today. I picked fabrics to go with my Beatrix Potter fabric I got to make a crib bumper. I have enough to do both. It should look great together! I'll def post a pic when the quilt is finished. I want to start on the bumper soon, too but I need to get the batting first. I could probably cut it out, though. I'm glad Mom is here to help me with it.

I also need to work on the banner for my friend. I can use the money for you know what. Baby stuff!!! LOL I need to somehow get more orders. I did get on Etsy, but I've been so sick I didn't do anything else. I'm hoping to get started on it soon. Any little bit helps!

That's about it over here. I'm all baby minded lately. That's all. ;-)

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