Saturday, August 14, 2010

Surgery Update

My surgery turned out more complicated than it was supposed to be. Ben and I got there a little before 9:30 and didn't leave to go home till 2:45! It was a looong day. :-) They got me in a room by 10 and started an IV, and then the anesthesia guy came in and went over all my info with me. Then the assistant to the GI doc came and talked to me. The GI who did the replacement I've never met before, and I never did meet him!!! I was knocked out before I saw him. So that was kinda weird. lol Anyway, they took me to the surgery room at 11 and got me all set up, and then I was asleep.

When I woke up, I could hear myself coughing, wheezing, and having a hard time breathing, but I was still so out of it. They were trying to get me to use my inhaler. I tried but just didn't have the strength and wasn't even sure where it was. lol They finally got it in me. I heard them telling the recovery nurse my blood presure was staying really low, and I was having tachycardia the whole time in surgery. And now the asthma attack. So they got a nebulizer to me really really quick. I don't even remember all that. I remember them telling me several times to wake up and breath. I finally woke up enough and was breathing the stuff in better. I had the treatment for about 20 minutes, and I felt lots better when it was done. My blood pressure finally rose so I didn't have to take any meds to raise it. But my heart rate stayed fast the whole day. I think when they went in to suck up the stuff from my stomach that my pill must have still been trying to digest. I don't know, but it was fast all day so I felt miserable.

I wasn't able to feed after midnight and then the surgery took 2 hours instead of 30 minutes! Then they told me I couldn't drink anything for an hour and couldn't feed until 8 pm!!! I was like oh, no.... I was feeling so shaky and weak. I fell while trying to transfer to my power chair. Ben helped me. It was just like oh, wow I am weak. So I was sick all day and just needed rest and lots of it. I finally managed to eat a little something and drink some Ginger Ale. I was so happy to start my feeds!!!

The other problem was that when they went to replace my tube, they noticed that the tube was really coiled up and was in stomach. The end of the tube was going into the small intestine, but it was too close to my stomach. So that probably explains why I have been sooo sick the past couple of weeks with intense nausea, feeling full, stomach upset, and losing weight. I'm glad we got this thing fixed and out of me!!! They think it messed up so bad b/c of my growing stomach, and I didn't have enough cord to continue down into my small intestine. They made sure I had enough this time so I'm hoping and praying it stays where it's supposed to so I don't get so sick again!!!

I slept for about 11 hours before the surgery, and last night I got about 10. But I still don't feel well today. I was ok for the first hour I was up, but the more I moved and did stuff they sicker I got. My head is really hurting, my throat is super sore from the tube down me for 2 hours, the sides of my neck near my ears are very tender to the touch - probably from the tube, too - and I just feel exhausted. I wanted to paint today, but I don't know.... Ben said I should just rest and not do anything. :-)

Ben's 12 hour shifts started up today. He will be working 12 hours every day for 3 weeks. That means weekends, too. I miss him already. lol I'm used to him being around on the weekends so it's weird. :-) We might not be able to get leave for our anniversary. It would be nice if we could just b/c next year the baby will be here and this is our last time of just us for awhile. But it's ok. As long as we spend time together that is what matters. :-) He's going to see if they will let him use his 4 day for reenlisting for our anniversary. So we'll see what happens. :-)

I might have another banner order! That will be nice. :-)

Well, that's my long update. Hope everyone is doing well!

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