Monday, March 8, 2010

Nothing Much

Another bad nausea day. I'm ready for bed because I had to take my Phenergan. I managed to make Ben supper. Not sure how. Of course, I had to pick one that has to take chopped onions and bell peppers. So much more work. But Ben loved it. :-) So it was worth it.

I got a surprise box from my sister in heart. She sent me a soft, baby blue sweater, a cute book, and a book on how to make dollhouse miniatures!!! I'm so excited. I've been trying to get a dollhouse made for 4 years now. I know, I know. It should have been done by now, but my health always seemed to come first. And when I was home for 15 months while Ben was deployed, the dollhouse was stored in Texas. But I've been trying to get some things done. Ben is almost done with the roof, and I have most of the living room and kitchen papered. I have to buy some paper before I can finish that. I want to give it to some sick little girl.... I could always give it to my niece. Or I could donate it to a hospital or something like that.

I decided to add  Google AdSense just in case I get enough people looking at my site. It can't hurt to try. :-) Well, I have a username for Etsy now, but I haven't uploaded anything yet. I couldn't think straight to even figure it out.

I have to work on my story tomorrow. It's my last story for school. I can't believe I'm almost done! It's like wow, I've done 2 writing courses, and an art course - Art Instruction Schools. I couldn't go to college, but I didn't let that stop me from learning. :-)

I've been reading John Bunyan because I just became a reviewer of books. Publishers send me books for free as long as I review them on one of my blogs, Amazon or Christianbook, and send an e-mail to them. I didn't even know you could do that! Is that me or what?! I'm a huge book lover. I collect them and read as many as I can. Books have always been my friends. :-)

Oh, man I'm tired..........

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